Friday, 27 January 2012

Life Invaded

Sorry, guys, no comic today, or Monday. Mel has a ton of homework she needs to get on top of. See you next Friday!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Monday, 16 January 2012

Flee the Squee

Anime conventions: do not leave small children, the elderly, or first-timers unattended. If they are in a particularly popular cosplay, there is a danger that they may become the prey of a roving pack of fangirls.

Don't leave your loved ones unattended. (You just read this like it's a PSA. Good job! :D)

~Elijah and Mel

Friday, 13 January 2012

The Axel Creeps Tonight

Cosplays featured in today's comic: Roxas (Ethan), Tifa Lockhart (Mac), and Axel. Again - this is a true story. PLEASE - if you are making friends at cons . . . don't be this guy. >_>


Thursday, 12 January 2012

Sharing is good! Sharing is your friend!

Hey, all! Elijah here! We have a favour to ask of all you fine readers out there. We ask that, if you enjoy this comic, share it! Invite your friends to read, like our Facebook page, or leave a comment on the dA account or Blogger posts. Spread the word, so we can share the love of otakus to everyone!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Cullens Need Not Apply

Sorry for any visual confusion; we're still working out some kinks in the website. Today's page features a couple randoms in a con men's room. Characters, from left to right, Major Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist), Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club) and Maito Gai (Naruto).

Remember - a con is the ONE PLACE where glittering guys are totally okay.

Monday, 2 January 2012